New travel protocol in place for international visitors to Jamaica starting June 15th

Where are visitors allowed to stay during this period June 15-30?

In order to manage the risk, we are opening the industry in phases. In the first phase, we have opened a Resilient Corridor which runs from Negril along the north coast to Portland. A second Resilient Corridor is the Kingston Business District (New Kingston and environs) which will be open to business travelers.

O For the period, only accommodation facilities located on the beach side of the main thoroughfare from Negril to Portland; and those in the Kingston Business District will be allowed to accept guests.

Note that only properties which have received a COVID-19 Readiness Certificate will be opened on June 15. As the product quality authority assesses each property, the list will be updated daily on the Travel Authorization page on www.visitjamaica.com

All persons intending to travel to Jamaica will need to secure a Travel Authorization before checking in at the airport.  The application requires information for the Customs/Immigration Form, information on the intended places of stay and a COVID-19 health questionnaire.

Registration and approval will be done online at www.visitjamaica.com/travelauthorization/

All persons intending to travel to Jamaica are required to get the pre-approval. This includes both Nationals and Non-nationals.

Application can be completed in 5 minutes with an immediate response.

The Jamaican health regulations require that the approval is issued a maximum of 72 hours before arrival in Jamaica.  The approval is valid for 7days

The Travel Authorization can be saved electronically on your phone / tablet or can be printed and presented with your travel documents.

The Airline will need this approval before travelers can check in.

The Travel Authorization will be required before travelers can be landed in Jamaica.

What happens if denied? You can re-apply in 14 days. ( I would suggest having travel insurance on your flights and hotel just in case you are not approved to fly.)

All HIGH RISK travelers to Jamaica will need to undergo a COVID-19PCR/swab test on entry to the island. (High risk travel-are those who are coming from or traveling through countries where there is high community transmission.

During the period June15-30, testing will be done at the international airports, and the cost related to the testing will be borne by the Government of Jamaica. Travelers who return a positive test will be required to be quarantined in a government approved facility, at the traveler’s cost. All travelers are encouraged to travel with health insurance.

Results from the swab test are generally available within 24 –48 hours. During that time, travelers are required to stay in Place at home or at their hotels.

Protocols in place in Jamaica

Our robust protocols are carefully designed to prevent transmission of COVID-19 and include health screening before entry and upon entry, the wearing of masks in public spaces for tourists and workers, PPE for workers based on job description, frequent use of sanitizers and hand washing stations, and physical distancing.

O Jamaica has designed an extensive set of operational protocols to manage risks to workers, communities and travelers across the lifecycle of prevention, detection and response. Safety is paramount to a resilient and sustainable tourism sector.

O Beyond the airports, Jamaica has nine fundamental protocol elements that TPD Co is working with businesses to implement.

▪Sanitization for all workers, tourists and surroundings; face masks and PPE for workers and tourists in public places;

▪Physical distancing, allowing people to be together but physically apart; frequent communications and messaging to ensure transparency;

▪Enhanced digital enablement across the industry, to allow for more contactless transactions

▪Real-time health monitoring and reporting in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, including solutions for quick isolation and containment as needed;

▪Rapid response in the event of a positive test;

▪Training to ensure workers and communities can implement protocols properly and thoroughly.  The Tourism Protocols are available on https://jtbonline.org.

Hotels protocols to contain people within hotel properties if any individual property has a breakout.

O Each accommodation facility is required to have safety protocols and regulations in place and properly train all staff. To detect cases which might develop, we have included temperature checks, ongoing health screening, trained onsite medical professionals or COVID-19 Safety Point Persons at each property, isolation areas at each property, and risk-based testing as appropriate.

O The Ministry of Health will collaborate with hotels for ongoing monitoring and assessment. If there are suspected or confirmed cased of the virus, persons will be isolated and managed.

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